Saturday, February 11, 2017

Soul Mates - Myth or Truth?

"Webster's dictionary defines wedding as the fusing of two metals with a hot torch." Michael Scott is definitely our favorite. The real question is, where Phyllis and Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration soul mates? It's possible. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines soul mate as a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament. We've had this discussion a number of times. Is there just one person in the world that God has prepared for you, to enjoy life with you, and put up with you when you are an idiot? I'm not sure that I know the answer, but I will tell you this...I can't imagine living my life with anyone else than my beautiful bride.

I think the key word in the definition is "perfect." Can a spouse or significant other be perfectly suited for you? I don't believe in perfection. Obviously. If you haven't read it, go back and read our last blog post and you can see that I am not perfect at anything. But are you "perfectly suited to" me in temperament? I'm not sure temperament should be in the definition. What does that have to do with being soul mates? Well, then what is a soul mate? If it's not what the dictionary defines it as, then what is a soul mate to you? Before I answer that, I actually think we're pretty close to this definition. If we are defining soul mate based on temperament, ours are very different, but we are well suited to each other because we're opposites in that category. You complete me. <3 Please don't say that. Oh my gosh. 

But seriously, we do complement each other well in terms of our temperaments, I think. Well, I'm not sure I actually believe in the term soul mate if you go by what you said above. I am referring to the "one person just for you from God" part. Because, it doesn't take into consideration those who have spouses pass away or people who enter horrible relationships and are left alone and they end up finding someone else. Well, to my point above, I actually agree with you here. Are we done writing for the night? Just kidding. 

On a lot of my social media profile descriptions, I like to put "the one whom my soul loves." Related to me? No. Spiderman. You dingbat. I got confused. What is the significance of your word semantics? For me, being a soul mate would be loving with everything that you have, being committed through anything because we were paired for a purpose. Therefore, you would be the one that my soul loves, not necessarily believing in a "soul mate." And I know a lot of people who have been married a very long time whose temperaments are not equally opposite or not equally matched. 

To me, the idea of a soul mate makes it sound like everything is peaches and cream all the time. What is the significance of your word semantics? Clearly everyone in a relationship will have disagreements and challenges they face. When you hear that term does it not bring up that connotation in your mind like the couple is just a perfect match that was preordained by Almighty God Himself and could never have a problem? See, I totally disagree with you here. When I hear soul mate, I think of a long-fought, tough journey, where you've learned to connect in a way that other couples may not have. It's kind of like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. They started off really not liking each other and after a series of difficult events they moved past it and fell in love. Soul mate seems like it would be the example a deep, realistic relationship. I guess I think that because when you talk about your soul, it's a deep, hard to understand, sometimes painful mystery. (May I just say, speaking of deep, these are some deep thoughts from you right now. You are killing it on this blog, sleepy cough medicine and all. I think it's the cough medicine speaking through me. I also thought you were Spiderman. That's because I am, remember? I got bit by a black widow. Oh yeah.)

If we're going to talk about the idea of soul mates, we should really bring in the scripture that talks about how when a couple is married, the two shall become one. What is that one? Google it. (Thanks Tammy.) See Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:8, and Ephesians 5:31. I think we said we would do a blog at some point about the idea of a "one couple," but we need to research to find out which book that was. One of the examples of being a "one couple" is when you think the same thoughts at the same time. I like to say "one couple" a lot, and Jen likes to tell me to shut up. Shut up. So back to your use of the scripture? Well, I just thought we should mention it. Are you saying soul mates doesn't sound like it implies a one couple, or two that have become one? No, actually, I think it does. This idea that we were two and are now one, that sounds like a great definition of soul mates to me. 

According to God's design, you can't get any closer than being one flesh. Well, that sounds inappropriate. I think the biggest issue with soul mates is how people define the term. If you have some sappy, overly romantic, high expectations definition of the word, then you are going to be sorely disappointed. The same could be said of marriage. Good point. Back to the idea of being one, both participants in a marriage need to realize that it is no longer the individual that counts, but the set as one that is important. Make that effort to sacrifice self, now that makes you a soul mate.

So tell us your thoughts. What is your definition of a soul mate, and do you believe they exist? One couple. Shut up.

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