Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm really thirsty

I really like a challenge. I am very competitive (although maybe not quite as competitive as my wife), and I don't like to lose. I like a challenge when playing sports or playing a game. If I am playing basketball and teams are being selected, be sure to put me on the team that is the underdog. I find little satisfaction in being part of the team that "should" win. I want the challenge of being part of the team that has to give all it has to even compete. That is fun to me. For games and stuff like that, it's a blast.

But then there's real life. In real life, I have no interest in being challenged for the most part. Sure, there are times where I have to solve a problem or figure out how to get something to work. Those opportunities are exciting. If I can make it like an algebraic expression and solve for X, I'm gonna be all over that.

The things I don't like are circumstances that I can't control. That's not easy. For example: A relative is ill. Stuff at work is not going how we want it to. People are talking bad about us for no reason. That stuff is for the birds. Why would I want that for myself or anyone? That's all bad stuff. I want my real life to be easy and fun and enjoyable. But guess what...that's not always real life.

Real life is tough. The Bible even tells us that if we are Christians things won't be a breeze. In fact, it says life will be downright difficult at times. I've thought about this a lot the last year or two. I have heard this song (at the top) a number of times and feel like I can relate to it. I love one of the lines toward the end: "What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life, is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy."

Stop and think for a moment. What if...

For some reason as I am typing this I have so many thoughts going through my head I feel like I could write a book just on this topic. But I know there are a couple points I want to put out there to ponder.

Ultimately, we need to get to a place in our lives where we have a "thirst this world can't satisfy." If we are feeling good about life and loving every second and just going about our merry way, will we ever get to that place? It's a serious thing to consider.

One other thing that is on my mind is the question of what is good for us and what is bad for us. In light of my previous question, I tend to think that our definition of what is bad for us may differ from God's definition of what is bad for us. Don't misunderstand me here. One thing I believe that the Bible teaches is that God will at times discipline (for lack of a better word) us if we stray from the path He has for us. I believe that is what a loving Father would do to bring His children back to the right place. (In my view this is different than punishment as the Bible also teaches us that there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.) But separately, I think sometimes things happen in our lives that may even be caused by God that we would consider to be bad for us, mainly because they are trying and tough to handle. But here is the question...if something happens in our lives that causes us to turn to Him and seek His face more than before, could we possibly as Christians define that as a bad thing? I know it's difficult because we can't see the whole picture, but we need to remember that, no matter the circumstances, being close to Jesus and glorifying Him is our purpose here.

That concludes the post, really, but I just want to add a footnote of sorts. Remember that I am just typing my thoughts on life. I may be wrong on things, but I may be right. I am just going through life reflecting and trying to figure this stuff out, just like everyone else. Feel free to comment a question or observation even if you disagree with something I said. You won't hurt my feelings. I appreciate dialogue.

1 comment:

  1. I am not quite sure why "bad" things happen to us. I think "that's life." But I do know God is an economical God as my husband always says; and He uses that which seems negative to us to bring us to the knowledge that we need Him; and that what the enemy meant for bad, as Joseph in the OT said,God uses for good. The good that it brings is eternal: that thirst you are talking about and the best thing of all -- knowing God and His character. Remember what Job learned through the mess of his life: He learned how good God is! To learn of God's grace and love is the absolute best knowledge in this life.
