Thursday, April 11, 2013

The text my wife sent me

My wife sent me this wonderful text message the other day. There was no specific event that took place to prompt it. Or if there was some event it was unbeknownst to me. Whatever the case she sent me this text, and it meant a lot. It didn't take much time for her to compose and send it, but I doubt I am the only husband who appreciates receiving encouragement from his wife. The message from her was sincere and heartfelt and made me smile.

Before I move onto the next part of the story let me suggest to you wives out there that husbands really appreciate your kind and respectful words. Husbands sometimes feel like all their wives do is put them down. Of course I have never felt like that (okay that's a lie). The truth is that we usually deserve it, but consistent kind and respectful words can help a husband learn how to treat his wife.

Okay back to the story (yes unfortunately there is more). After feeling so good about the text my wife sent me, I proceeded to come home after work and demean her right in front of a member of her extended family. It was about something that wasn't even a big deal, but the words I said and the tone with which I said it made her, as she put it, "feel dumb." So after the text she sent me that you read at the top of this post, I came home and made her feel dumb, in front of another adult. Anthony, FTW. Much sarcasm intended.

(By the way, FTW stands for For The Win, as if I was about to hit a game winning shot on the basketball court for example. I wondered for the longest time what that meant, then I googled it. You can find any answer you want on google. Sometimes the answer is even correct.)

So here's the point...

Guys, don't be idiots. We are supposed to love our wives as Christ loves the church. Don't talk down to her or treat her like she's stupid, especially in front of other people.

And ladies, even though you make great effort to encourage your husband and make him feel respected, he is going to do the same thing I did. He's a guy. Give him some grace and say more nice things about him. Eventually he will improve.

The last point is for the dudes. Check out this quote from a book I read a while back and really think about what it means (I'm not going to publish the name of the book here for fear I might lose my man-card, that is if I still have it):

"Some (men) may even go to their graves and never understand that to truly cherish a woman they must die to every scrap of self-interest."

1 comment:

  1. This is so important to learn. It will solve allot of problems in a marriage of we could learn not to demean each other either privately or publicly. It is not a way to grow positively in your marriage. We get stuck in one place and just sort of rot there. Learning sooner than later is beneficial. We all had to learn It and the people who don't are miserable on their marriages.
