Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Nah...I'm good.

“You sure do have your hands full!” I usually hear it once a day at least. “Boy, I bet you’re ready for a girl.” Um……..okay. “Going for number four to get a girl right?” It’s usually at this point that my eyes start to roll, I smile and walk away. 
Every place I go, whether I have two of the boys or all three, someone makes a comment. I would wager that 95% of the time it is something about having my hands full or about my prospects for a future daughter. Only about 5% of the time is it someone stopping to tell me how great being a boy mom is or how well behaved my boys are at the moment. 

Let’s get one thing straight right from the start. I have no secret yearning for a daughter. My mom can tell you, I wasn’t the typical girl growing up. I was a tomboy from probably day one. In our house we had a mix of My Little Ponies that were ridden by G.I. Joes (For anyone who has tried this, you can back me up on how hard of a task it is to get those legs on those horses. They were not meant for riding!). My sister and I had a love of Silverhawks and Voltron. Instead of a Barbie house, we had a Thundercat Castle. It’s just the way we were. Oh, my poor mom tried to help us embrace our more feminine side by throwing on the big frilly dresses and forcing us to wear jewelry here and there, but we always came out on the other side just as tomboyish as ever. 

Fast forward about twenty years later to my first child. I wanted a boy. I wanted one so bad it hurt. When I found out TJ was on his way, I couldn’t have been happier. A few years later, I was pumped to find out Reilly was coming. As we approached the arrival of Jase, I got incredibly nervous. What if this was a girl? What would I do with her? I don’t brush my own hair all of the time so what was I going to do with a daughter? All those adorable boy clothes and shoes were going to be wasted. My pregnancy was very different from the other two and Anthony just knew we were having a girl. We found out due to some complications that Jase was a boy fairly early. I was relieved. I was still queen of this castle baby!

I know some moms dream about having a daughter—and that’s awesome! I have an awesome niece that I dote on any chance I get. She’s as close as I ever want to be to having a girl. Now, had the Lord blessed us with a girl, I know I would have learned to deal with my fears. However, I think the Lord knew exactly what he was doing when he sent TJ, Reilly, and Jase to us. I am just a boy mom and I am okay with that. It’s my comfort zone. It’s my happy place. 

So it makes it really irritating when I go out in public and people make these little backhanded comments. Sure, no one means them in a hateful or mean way (I hope), but they are a little insulting in my opinion. I have always felt like it’s the Devil’s way of getting me to question my contentment with what God has given me. “Are you sure you have never wanted a girl? I mean, look at your boys! That one is climbing onto the shelves of dog food like a monkey! And that one, he is telling that man that he looks super old! And the littlest one is taking his pants off in the buggy when he knows he has pooped and smells like the back end of a warthog. Don’t you wish God had just slipped one little girl in there to bring some calmness to the chaos?” Nah…..I am good. 

I always find it funny when I am in a store and I pass by people talking to moms with just girls. You hear comments like, “Oh, she is just so pretty!” Or my favorite, “Look how she’s just sitting there so nicely being all shy.” (This is my favorite mainly because my kids are hanging off the sides of the buggy like crazy lunatics—not so nicely I guess.) Never once have I passed one of these situations where the person was saying, “Wow! Don’t you wish you had a little boy to spice up your world?” I have to admit, I have thought about it a time or two, just to see what kind of response I would get. I have not done it though because of how much I hate that comment. 

Even my grandmother (whom I love dearly and have a great relationship with) commented, “You don’t at all wish you had a little girl? Don’t you have that desire to have one?” I know she didn’t mean to sound like I was a crazy person for wanting this life, but her tone was so…….shocked. I politely told her no and went into detail about why I am a much better mother to boys than I would ever be to a girl. As much as I love my niece Jo Jo, I know that Jessica is a great girl mom. She’s better built for that life. 

I love going into a grocery store (or any store really) and passing another boy mom. You kind of nod your head at each other knowing without a word—respect to you my friend. I saw a shirt once that said, “Boymom—It’s not a description, it’s an experience.” That’s the honest to goodness truth. It’s something that you can only understand by living it. I am sure that being a girl mom is the same way.
Here’s my suggestion to you. The next time you see a person with all the same sex kids, please don’t ask the question about wanting a different life. Assume that they love everything about their awesome little existence and instead say something encouraging. Try, “You are doing a fantastic job and I know you couldn’t wish for better blessings.” You can even say, “Way to go! You must work really hard to raise such great kids (even if those kids aren’t being so great at the moment and are punching each other into next year).” Instead of asking someone to question their contentment, encourage them to focus on the blessing. You might just get a big smile and high five. Or in our case, several high fives that might be a little sticky.


  1. I get this allllll the time. And personally, I am TERRIFIED we'd have twin boys, if we tried for one more! I wouldn't know what to do with one boy much less two!!
    The thought of that, literally, scares me to death!! I know God only gives you what you can handle, and believe me over the last 19.5 months I have questioned his decision to give me twins more than a million times...but, he knew without a doubt I needed girls and I am so thankful for these 3! Drama and all! The thing that drives me crazy is when people come up to us and say, "glad it's you and not me" ���� I just want to punch them!!

    And by the way...if you want to see bad kids in the grocery store, find me. Mine are usually whining (loudly) and on the verge of falling out of the buggy. ��

    Thanks for this. I needed it today! Sometimes, on the craziest of days, you need reassurance that God knows exactly what he's doing with your life!

    1. I think any time someone sees twins, they feel it a necessity to tell the mother that they couldn't handle that. I prefer to tell someone beside me privately! HAHA But in all seriousness, I just wish people would be more encouraging instead of being so backhandedly negative. It's like I told Jill this morning, my heart goes out to those women who are desperately trying to have children. They get asked a billion times if they are ever going to have kids and not one person thinks about the fact that they may be trying and are struggling. People just need to be aware.

  2. Yes! Makes you question your contentment with your life! People think their questions are innocent. And while they may be innocent it still has the ability to make you question, even for a second. Sometimes that's all the devil needs. I have a girl and a boy, and people say oh you have the perfect family, one of each. And it kinda bothers me, bc if I had two boys or two girls, I would STILL have the perfect family (for us) And I secretly (or not so secretly) prayed for twins with my last pregnancy. ��
