Monday, December 27, 2010

A Mom's New Year Resolutions

Well, here we are at the end of another year. For me, this has probably been one of the most difficult years of my life. Many wonderful things have happened, yet many terrible things have happened as well. I know that our lives are made up of ups and downs, but this year has been more downs than ups. Years like this make us look back and appreciate the years we had things so well.

It's always this time of year when I sit down and contemplate what I want to accomplish in the upcoming year. I make a list of a few things (ok, so there are usually more than a few things) that I need to do in the new year. I then proceed to not do them in short order. I don't know what causes me to forget my resolutions before the month of January is even over, but I do it every year. Don't get me wrong, I have done well some years to make it as far as March.

This year, I didn't want to do the same old, same old. I wanted to do something a little different. I decided to make a list of things I wouldn't do in the New Year as opposed to things I would do. I know a lot of people rather look at things the other way around, but I definitely need a new approach. So here goes. . .

1) I will not give up running. I will keep trying even though it's hard, cold, and well, plain painful at times. Currently, I am running about 3 miles. I plan to increase that this year.

2) I will not be the same wife/mother I was last year. I don't think I was a bad one, but I want to do better and find ways to become the person God would have me to be for them.

3) I will not over do it on my schedule. I want to have a less stressful and hectic year. I think I have the ability to pull this one off now that our family has made some adjustments and I look forward to being able to do more for my family and our church by being a proactive planner with a calendar. I think that by actually using a calendar I can keep our events at a minimum.

4) I will not be a Christian in my words alone. I want to have my actions speak for me.

5) I will not take the mountain tops for granted. This is something that I have done for years. Last year taught me that I can no longer do that.

6) I will not allow fear to drive my thoughts, actions, and life. I will ask for God's help.

7) I will not take my family for granted.

8) I will not allow my house get the best of me. For those of you who know me well, you know I am not a neat freak. I have a mess going pretty much 24-7. I then allow myself to become completely overwhelmed by the mess until I cannot function. No more in 2011.

9) I will not allow myself to stay indoors for days at a time. I am going to get out and be more accessible to my friends. I have learned this year that it makes me a better mom and wife to have some "me" time.

And last but not least. . .

10) I will NOT allow other relationships, things, people, events, etc. to interfere with my relationship with my Heavenly Father. In the last few years, I have allowed so much to come between me and Him. I am putting my foot down.

After making my list, I look back and realize I am still making resolutions. However, I am much better about not doing things than I am about having to do something. I hope that my blogs in the future will reflect that I am not doing things well! I would love for each one of you to come and leave a message of encouragement or accountability for me when you think of it. I hope that if you have trouble keeping resolutions, you might try the same tactic.....I'll keep you posted on my progress!


  1. I like this "will not" idea. I think a regular outing would be great as long as I'm invited!!! I miss hanging out and all the hilarious and thought provoking conversation.

  2. was the best I could come up with. It's easier to "not" do than actually do. So there you go. I guess you can be invited too!
