Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pet Peeves and Small Joys During the Season of Peace

Ok. I don't know about you, but there are so many things that happen to me during this season that drive me insane! I had to share a few of them with you.

1) I think they up the amount of toy commercials from October through December. In December it seems that they are shoving in as many as they can. (Thank goodness we only have basic cable now. I have no idea how many are being shoved in between Dora and Diego breaks right now!)

2) Parking in any parking lot (including the Dollar Tree) starting after Black Friday is a ridiculous task. People will literally tear off the front of your car to get a parking spot that even remotely seems like it might be closer to the door. I get that it's cold, but I have to get two kids in the store! Please, give a mom a hand and just let me have the space.

3) People who won't commit to the Christmas Play. Look, it's really hard to plan a Christmas Play if you are the lead role and are not sure you are going to show up. We only do this one time a year. Practicing for a few weeks (during church hours), showing up to the last dress rehearsal and the play should be a piece of cake.....right?

4) It irks the poo out of me when people will go all out decorating for Halloween, but won't even put up a strand of lights for Christmas. This might seem random, but I am an avid lover of Christmas lights. I appreciate those who get out in the cold and do the work!

5) Parents who refuse to tell their kids no. Picture me. I am in Wal-mart with the Straightforward Baby and the Straightforward Son walking remotely near the toy aisle trying to get to the pet section. A kid is screaming at their mother because they want to bring a toy home right now instead of having it for a gift. I then have to look my boys in the eye and give them a talking to just because of how that kid behaved. Ok, so maybe I don't "have" to, but I believe in being proactive!

Ok, so there are a few of my holiday pet peeves. Now for the REALLY good part! The joys....

1) I had the nicest Salvation Army bell ringer man (that was the most interesting thing I have typed all day) help me put the Straightforward Son in a buggy at Wal-Mart when it was about 20 degrees outside. He saw me struggling in my big jacket with my kid in his big jacket and came to my rescue. I usually drop in some change, but I gave that guy a dollar. He earned it and got a huge Merry Christmas from the Straightforward Son.

2) The Straightforward kids had THE BEST experience with Santa this year. I did a photo shoot at Bradley's Pumpkin Patch with the best Santa I have ever seen or been around. He spent time in between photos playing Leapster with a little boy who now thinks he and Santa are best friends. He'll never forget that special day!

3) We recently lost a wonderful member of our family this month. I had to explain death to my 3 1/2 yr. old son. You would think this would be terrible. Instead, he looked at me with those beautiful eyes and said, "Mommy, I will miss Uncle Walter, but I am sure glad you are still here." I have to admit I went somewhere and shed a few tears over that one.

4) Being a part of the Christmas activities at church again have just warmed my heart. I really love getting involved. Now that I have the ability to do so (without the craziness of a teaching schedule to hold me down), I am taking full advantage of it. The kids (no matter how uncommitted) have been a blessing and a lot of fun to be with. I can't wait for the Straightforward Son to sing his solo! I'll have to take some pictures and post!

5) Watching the Straightforward Son today perform in his class' musical debut was great. Of course, he started dancing and almost knocked a classmate over, but it was still precious and brought me much joy.

I would love to hear some of your pet peeves and joys of this season! Post them in the encouragements (otherwise known as comments) so we can enjoy them all!


  1. I don't have any pet peeves, but I love going to see Nadia's school put on their Christmas program. Watching these special kids perform with abandon is exhilarating.

  2. HAHA...I don't know if I believe you don't have ANY pet peeves, but I will give you a break since you are planning a wedding for Saturday! :) I would love to see that! I think it would be fantastic!

  3. pet peeve.... Rude people especially on black friday!! First of all if you make the choice to go shopping on the biggest day of the year expect chaos or stay at home! I barely bumped into a woman while letting another woman with a small baby get by and she was sooooo RUDE! I said " I am so sorry I did not see you" and She said "Well you should have been looking" I was like really this woman is wanting to fight me in the middle of the Scooby doo Isle!! We were waiting on guy to bring out another box of mystery vans. When the guy started handing out the vans, he handed me mine first and I turned around and handed it to the RUDE lady and said I hope you have a very Merry Chritmas. Boooyy you should have seen the look I got. oh yea about that time Todd turns the corner and says loudy Honey, you need some back up in the scooby doo Isle.
    Bless that womans heart I know her problems were probably bigger than a toy but that was just not nice!!

    Joy.... Kids Christmas plays,homemade gifts from your kids. I love it when we decorate the tree and bring out all the ornaments and decorations the kids have made over the years:)

  4. Well, I am proud of the way you behaved. Isn't it crazy how people who are in a crowd like that are completely taken aback when you bump into them? You are in a crowd on Black Friday for heavens sake! I love the decorations. We are just now starting to put "memories" on the tree. Last year was the first year TJ was really able to "make" ornaments for the tree. It was a great time!
