Thursday, December 9, 2010

Peace on Earth . . .

Well, needless to say I took a break from blogging to get through Thanksgiving. We made it. Those of you who know our family know what we have been going through recently and it has been rough. However, it was so nice to sit around the Thanksgiving table and offer our thoughts of appreciation to the Lord and each other. It truly made us realize just what we had been blessed with this year, even though things have been tough.
Now, on to Christmas! I don't know about you, but the Straightforward House has been bustling this Christmas season. We have had something on our calendar every day. We also have an advent calendar where the Straightforward Boys have a note each day about something special that will go on that day that is just for them. It's just one of the highlights of this season! I have committed to way too much this season and am trying to stay above the waves at this point. This is the first Christmas season that I feel totally unprepared for! Yet, I wanted to take some time to stop and offer some thoughts about the season in my most Straightforward manner!

Recently, I talked to our Sunday School class about peace. I am probably the worst person to talk about the subject as I am one of the world's worst worriers. I went into it a little hesitant, but found some interesting truths as I taught the lesson and the kids interacted with me.

Have you ever thought about the shepherds out sleeping in the fields? All of a sudden the sky opens up with angels! People are screaming (ok, singing very loudly) basically "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests." (Luke 2:14, NIV) I don't know about you, but that is probably one of the most incredibly unpeaceful ways to talk about the peace that had arrived! :) I think I might have had to change my shepherdly undergarments had I seen this sight.

Today we see this verse translated to all kinds of things you can buy at Christmas. You see things that declare "Peace on Earth." Tons of Christmas cards and other paraphernalia have this or the word "Peace" tattooed all over it. Now don't get me wrong. Our Savior was born to bring peace. However, it is not in the way that so many people preach about or all the Christmas cards tend to portray it. Jesus wasn't sent to bring peace "on earth" between people. He came to bring peace to those who would accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Look at the end of what the angels' message says--"and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests."

Still don't believe me? Check out this verse--"Think not not that I came to send peace on earth:I came not to send peace, but a sword. " (Matthew 10:34, KJV) WHOA.....what happened to the cute little baby we see in the nativity scenes and on the cards? What about this verse? "Suppose ye that I come to bring peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." (Only 10 chapters from where the angels declared peace in Luke 12:51, KJV) Look at the difference between these verses and the message the angels brought that day to the shepherds. Yes, peace was finally readily available on earth for people, but it wasn't the way or the type that everyone expected.

Isn't that the way God always works? It seems that it is never the way or the means by which we expect God to work. He can use something stunningly simple, or He can use something infinitely complex--it seems it depends on the message and to whom the message will be delivered--that's not in the Bible, that's just a Straightforward Momism. I love that I can see His hand in something as simple as the smiles of my boys, yet understand His hand in the complexity of the way they were designed within my body. It's just incredible.

Off the tangent. After the discussion, our Sunday School class decided that Christmas cards about peace should not show a quiet night that is peaceful....but probably should show the innards of a person who is saved. Yeah, so our idea won't quite make the shelves of Hallmark this Christmas season. Who knows? Maybe next year.

I pray that you will find time this year to stop and find that true peace that is specifically for "those on whom His favor rests." If you are not one, become one. This is the perfect time. Don't put it off. You can't waste another minute without this peace! If you are already one of these, let go and let the peace do its work. Let Him have all your trials, troubles, and concerns. There's no time like the present--hahaha a little Christmas humor for you!


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