Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Peace on Earth?

Originally published to Facebook several years ago...

I know you have heard the "Christmas" story from the Bible. When I was a kid there was a certain verse that really confused me. 

Luke 2:14
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And you're thinking to yourself, what is so confusing about that? It's pretty straight forward, isn't it? Well, I didn't get it, either because I was thinking about it the wrong way or because I am just not very smart. I kept thinking, why would the angels say peace on earth and good will toward men? Why would God put that in there? First of all, there isn't peace on earth. There is war everywhere, and it seems that few people can agree on much of anything. Where's the peace? 

Then there's the part about goodwill. All the time during the Christmas season you hear about "goodwill" to your fellow man. "This is the season of peace and goodwill." That is the type of thing that is said. Maybe it is true that during this time most people tend to give more to those who are needy. I don't know. 

But the question still remained, why would the angels say this to the shepherds? Peace on earth? Good will toward men? I just don't get it.

Then it hit me. I know why I don't get it. These words are coming from God's perspective. Let's think back to Adam and Eve. Early on they were at peace with God. They were able to commune with him without any problem. Then it happened. Sin. There it is. It changed everything. 

Suddenly man knew it couldn't measure up to God, and couldn't be close to him. So man had to hide, without any close communication or relationship to a holy god. That is, until Christmas. If someone asks me what Christmas is all about, I'll quote Luke 2:14. Through that little baby, who came to us in the most humble of circumstances, God has made a way. God restored the relationship between himself and man-you and me.

To sum up, the angels were telling us that, after all the hundreds and thousands of years that man had to hide from God's presence because of his (man's) wickedness, now there was a way for there to be "peace on earth," between God and man, not between man and man. Jesus was a representation of God's "goodwill toward men." Aren't you glad that Almighty God has goodwill toward you?

So don't miss it. In all the business and presents and food and family. Don't miss what Christmas is about. It's about God making a way for you to be close to him, for the creature to again be close to his Creator. As the Christmas classic Hark the Herald Angels Sing states, "God and sinners reconciled..." Are you taking advantage of this gift? Am I...?

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