Saturday, October 16, 2010

I am JoyFall!

Wow! For those of you who are able to feel the amazing fall weather right now, how blessed are we? It has been incredible! I have to admit, I love summer, but fall is completely wonderful. Watching God paint the colors of fall in only the way He can is always fun for me and my family.

Fall is not only a time of beauty and great weather, it seems to be the time when the whole Straightforward Family gets sick or "falls" under the weather (a little weather joke for you--sorry). When looking at our family expenses this month, we estimated that we had spent almost $200 in doctor co-pays alone. (This doesn't include all the medication and medical necessities that went along with those co-pays!) Don't get me wrong. If my family is sick, I am the first person who starts to stress and wants to pack the whole clan into the car to get checked. (We all know that if one gets it, the whole clan gets it!) We have insurance and you better believe we are going to use it. We also have the best doctor. I should do a review for him on here, but I don't want to embarrass him with all the wonderful things I would say!

Not only do we get sick and have to put out money for the doctor and medications, we also have to pay for two car tags (one of those car tags happens to be our most expensive). Again, don't get me wrong. I am super grateful for our vehicles. I am especially grateful for our Honda Pilot (I should probably review it as well. I know very little about cars except Mustangs are awesome and cars have dipsticks). It has been a blessing to our family and we have been able to use it to help others as well.

Other expenses tend to show up as we go along throughout the fall for this or that. Added to this money crunch is the pressure of the looming holiday season. (I am a sucker for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am going to admit this, and you better keep it to yourself--I actually enjoy the fact that Christmas stuff is out. I know this irritates most people, but Christmas is just a lot of fun for our family.) This pressure tends to make you worry more and relax less. I realized a few days ago that the financial and health stresses were starting to affect my wonder and enjoyment of all that God was doing this season. I decided to lay it in His hands and enjoy every second of fall. For example, I took the Straightforward Dad on a surprise fall picnic on Friday--no Straightforward Kids allowed. It was just me, him, some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (yeah, I went all out), and some great fall weather. I also spent some time outside with the Straightforward Son. We learned how to run the bases in baseball and how to do a touchdown dance. The Straightforward Baby and I spent time looking at leaves (some of them ended up being partially eaten) and swinging on the front porch swing. At some point, I am not sure when, I forgot about all those stresses that were getting me down. Of course they are still there and won't go away completely. Yet somewhere between picking leaves out of someone's mouth, dancing like a maniac while neighbors were driving by, and holding hands with one of the world's most handsome men, my focus changed. My joy for fall, and life, came rushing back.

I encourage you to get out and enjoy this weather. Use it as a distraction from all the negatives, and make it a way to focus on all the blessings in your life. Go ahead and reclaim your joy. If you are living in a location where fall isn't as evident as it is here, find a way to infuse a little fall into your world. Grab yourself a pumpkin and some other fall treats and make a few new fall traditions. I promise you, your problems will seem to "fall" by the wayside. (Sorry! Had to slip it in there again!)


  1. Loved it. I felt like I was right there with you when you were describing the fun things in the day.

  2. Thanks! We truly have been having beautiful weather! You should come visit and experience this! It's too great!
