Friday, October 8, 2010

How to Save a Life

This is going to be one of those blogs that not everyone is going to agree with or love. However, being the person I am, I had to address the topic that made me so livid recently. The other night, (We were in between watching the Braves lose their 1st game of the post season. I am still mad at Brooks Conrad concerning his post season play. Anybody right there with me?) the Straightforward Dad and I happened to catch Alan Colmes having a discussion with a female commentator and Sean Hannity. I remember watching Colmes when he was actually on the show with Hannity. In a way, I used to feel sorry for him. He seemed like a nice guy, but I just didn't agree with his thoughts on politics. He also had to sit across from Hannity who made him look like a timid mouse at times. My pity for him dissolved last night quicker than the Straightforward Son can count to 20 (let's just say he skips numbers).

The other night, Colmes makes the comment to Hannity, "who was he" to determine when life begins? This was the justification he gave for his support of a woman's right to chose. Seriously? That's your argument?

Ever since I became a mom, my pro-life stance has gotten stronger. From the moment I realized that I was pregnant (and I had a pretty good idea that something was up when I started peeing like crazy and swelling), I knew something special was happening. I recognized that I was carrying a human life. I am sure most of the moms you know, discover they are pregnant and say, "Yeah, my husband and I are so excited about the little mass inside me!" Most mothers recognize a difference right away. Consider the mothers who feel that tremendous state of loss even at the earliest stages of a miscarriage? If it's not a life, why are they so upset? Is it because of it's potential? I would argue that it's because they have felt that new life inside them and losing it is devastating. Now, I can't speak on behalf of those who have had miscarriages since I have never experienced one. However, I have seen and talked to grieving mothers who have lost children at all stages of pregnancy. It's never easy.

So, since some people believe that they can't pinpoint when life begins, it's ok to have an abortion? Wow. I do not want to stand before God and say, well I wasn't sure so I just took a chance that it wasn't a person yet. I guess I am in the minority today when I believe God when He says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." (Jer. 1:5) Notice it says "before" we were formed in the womb. In my heart, I believe that He knows about us before our parents have an idea that we are going to arrive. (Some of you babies were BIG surprises!)

I think the reasoning that makes me the most irritated is, "It's my body and I don't want anyone telling me what I can do with it." That's all good and fine if you are talking about someone telling you whether or not you will shave your legs or get breast implants. We are talking about another human life in this scenario. Do they not have any rights just because they can't talk? You are sharing your body with someone else. It's not just about you anymore.

How can you save a life? Support babies that have no voice. Support women who have nowhere else to turn. Offer them love and any help you can give. I think abortion is the biggest slap in the face to women who cannot have children. It adds insult to injury in my opinion. Whether or not someone wants the baby they are carrying, there are plenty of want-to-be parents waiting to open their loving home to a child they can call their own. Saving those babies for people who can't conceive is priceless. Caring for all people (even those in the womb) is our way of serving God. It's is probably one of the most important ways as the Bible says, "The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Gal. 5:14)" As my pastor said on Sunday, "We love people when they are right, and we should still love people when they are wrong. (I guess I will have to start with Colmes, huh?)

I constantly hear people telling me how I should think and believe on so many levels about abortion. The other is that I am "intolerant." To be honest, I am sick of people being intolerant to me. Well, I am standing up right now and telling all of those people, you can't tell me what to think or believe. I know what's right in my heart. If you don't like it, that's too bad. I also have just as much right as you to voice my thoughts and beliefs. People (at any stage) are important to me. Very little has been more precious to me than nurturing and giving life to the two Straightforward Boys. If you don't like that, well, that's just too bad. You better believe that if I have a third child, I won't be calling it a mass. . .it will always be my baby.

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