Friday, October 13, 2017

Why I don't blog

Sort of a strange title for a blog post. But I haven't posted in a while, so I needed to post. Jen and I have a problem when it comes to doing anything...we want to do it perfectly. Many of you can relate. If you're going to do something, anything, and take up any amount of time doing it, you want it to be good. Not just okay, but really good. 

So when I think about making a blog post, I want it to be worthwhile and valuable and something that will draw attention and provide encouragement or help to others. But, you know what, those ideas are often difficult for me to generate. It's true, and that's the main reason there a huge gaps in between my blogs.

If I have an idea for a blog, most likely it would be a boring one to the Happiness and Havoc community. If I were to do a live blog about what's on my mind, most of you wouldn't be interested in learning about  a new phone I saw that is only $200 and has a 5,000 mAh battery. That doesn't interest you. Or I could write again about our car search. Yeah, it's still on my mind because the issue has not been settled yet, but you don't want to hear about that.

There's another reason I don't blog. I don't think what I have to say will be very interesting. I said this to Jen, and I believe it. My writing or my participation in video blogs can be boring! I'm not searching for encouragement here. Really. I am simply telling you what goes on in my mind when I think through these things. Jen is the fun and entertaining one. I'm the boring, nerdy, monotone one who was never and never will be the funny one in my family. I've come to terms with that. But it's why I don't write much.

So I don't want to put out content just for the sake of adding another post. I want it to be meaningful and interesting and worthwhile and entertaining to the reader. That's why I don't blog much.

I haven't given this one much thought. Jen hasn't read it. But I'm going to post it. And next I might post about that phone I mentioned with the big battery. If you don't want to read it, I'm gonna try to be okay with that.


  1. The best blogs I read have one thing in common: they're honest. You and Jen are always honest in your posts. Most real people want to read about people like us, people who are doing their best and not ashamed to admit they're not perfect. Keep at it. By the way, I love Jen's photography posts on FB. Her love for her craft and the people she shoots comes across every single time. Really, a $200 phone? :) Love you guys!

    1. Thank you, Cindy! Nice to know we have readers out there who enjoy what we write. We set out to be honest, and we're trying to do that. Jen is so very talented and she gives her all to everything she does.
