Thursday, October 19, 2017

When it just never stops

This is a post about solidarity. This is a message to stick with it. This is a note of encouragement, I guess. Or more it's just a post to say we know where you are because we've been there too. 

We're there right now. Life is good. But life with children can be exasperating and tiring. When you have a sick toddler, and the sickness is causing that toddler to not sleep, days are long and nights are short. The nights are short because sleep escapes you.

Our little one has a cough. I think it's never going to go away. I've prayed for healing. I've asked for it to end. But it doesn't. It won't. So I'm tired. Jen's tired. We're all tired. 

The other night, I knew Jen would have a busy few days coming up and needed rest. I told her I would get up with Jase when he coughs and tries to help. So I did. I'm not sure how much I helped. Actually I think what I did was slightly counterproductive. Apparently yelling at a toddler to "just stop coughing" isn't very effective.

The latest fun a few minutes ago was me getting Jase chocolate milk and Jase screaming because he didn't want the heart straw. We ran out of plastic straws. All we had for the kids Moe's cup was a paper straw with hearts on it. That wasn't acceptable. TJ and Reilly were about to take a shower and were yelling at each other about who was going to clean the hair out of the tub or who was going to get in first (Yes, I'm a hairy guy with a lot of hair. I leave hair in the tub, not on purpose.).

We've been to the doctor, and I'm hopeful it's getting better. It will. But, for now, it's rough. So for those of you who have been there, just understand where I'm coming from and know you're not alone. No lesson here. Just a shout out to all those parents who can relate. We'll make it!

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