Thursday, June 30, 2011

Home Improvement Challenge #2: Give me so mo' H2O!

How has everyone been doing with our Home Improvement Challenge? I am proud to report that, so far, I have been successful! In fact, I have worked my way up to running three miles! I have to admit, I was astonished the first day it happened (and a little overwhelmed)! I didn't realize that I could honestly pull it off. I hope that you have been getting up and walking, jumping, playing sports, or just plain getting out and getting active!

Welcome to Home Improvement Challenge #2! As you know, I try the challenge out before I give it to you because I would never ask you to do something I can't do. To be completely honest, of the two challenges, this one was the absolute toughest for me! Here is your challenge for the next two weeks: Continue your activity schedule (running, walking, whatever you are doing), but add drinking more H2O everyday. In fact, drink more water than any other liquid you might consume during the day.

Let me give you some background on what I am doing. First, I am addicted to sweet tea. For me, it's not coffee, sodas, or energy drinks--give me my tea. What I have been desperately trying to do is limit my intake of caffeine to one cup a day. The rest of the day I drink water. I have to admit, some days have been worse than others. There have been a few days where I have gone completely caffeineless. There have also been a few days where I have had two cups of tea. (No more than two, I promise!!)

I have to say, I have already noticed a difference. I really believe that this played a big part in my ability to finally run three miles. I feel more hydrated during the day and I definitely feel better when I drink water than when I load myself down with other drinks. Keep in mind, you will pee like a fountain till your body gets used to all the water. Also, I am not keeping track of the amount of water I am drinking each day. Later on, I will start keeping track of it, but right now I am just trying to start a habit. When I was pregnant, I found that keeping track of the amount of water I drank really stressed me out and made it harder for me to keep wanting to drink it. Plain and simple, I drink it when I am thirsty.

Not only does this benefit your health, but it also saves you money outside the home. Have you checked the price of drinks at restaurants lately? A family of four can save about $10.00 off their bill at various locations if they drink water. If you ask me, $10.00 is a lot of money! I think it is absolutely ridiculous that restaurants are charging that for soft drinks and tea (especially when I know how much it costs to make tea). Not only will you feel healthier, but you will feel good about spending less money!

Believe me, I know that I am not asking you to do something easy. I know a lot of people who have to have some caffeine to get through the day. This is what is so great about the Home Improvement Challenge--you don't have to cut it out entirely, but you make realistic goals for yourself and make a change. I read an article once about running that said if you run until you are absolutely drained at the end of each session, you are less likely to continue running. I think the same goes for something like this. If you have to cut it out entirely, your head starts spinning and headaches start. Most likely, you will go back to caffeine in a second. I am slowly going to try and wean myself off and enjoy it every once in awhile.

So who's with me? Do you think you can add on this new challenge? I know it's hard, but I need your encouragement to do this! GO TEAM! Leave me a comment and tell me how you are doing so far with the physical activity!

1 comment:

  1. i will start doing it, i want to be healthier but its so hard because the good food is not healthy but the nasty food is lol but water is good and it saves alot of money lol
