Monday, August 1, 2011

Home Improvement Challenge #3: Old habits die hard

I know, I know! Don't yell at me! I took a vacation and didn't blog the next challenge. I know there are people out there waiting! I am very sorry! But here it is without delay!!

So far, you should be getting active and drinking more water. I am proud to say that I have been able to keep up with both so far. The water still gets me here and there, but for the most part, I am drinking more water. In fact, I have been saving money when we go out to eat by ALWAYS ordering water! I have easily saved over 20 bucks on vacation by just getting water where we went.

Now we are on to the third challenge. The third challenge is to kick a bad habit. I believe that from the time I was in the womb, I have been biting my nails. I have never, ever had pretty or nice nails that were real. For one glorious moment I had some nice nails (on my wedding day and for some of my honeymoon). But alas, they did not last long. I have tried for years to quit. I have tried everything that I can think of to stop chewing them but it never lasts long.

A few weeks ago, I started to try again. I did well until they started breaking. Apparently salt water and golf will make them weak. (That's what I was exposed to on my vacation.....I know....horrible conditions.) Even when they were breaking, I did my best not to chew them. Most of the time it did not work. I ended up biting them off so the irritation didn't overwhelm me. So here I am, back from vacation with little or nothing to show. I have three nails that I kept from chewing off (and one of them is halfway off from breaking). This is much harder than the water drinking challenge for me. This is something I have almost ingrained into my being. However, when I decided to kick a bad habit, there was not a thing in the world I wanted to stop doing more than this. Biting my nails has been the one thing that has had the most control over me. I know it sounds stupid, but it is true. It is completely gross and I hate doing it, but I do it without even realizing it sometimes.

So here I am, feeling like I am back at square one with this one. I'll be right there with you when you start this one! Think of something you would really like to stop. Maybe for you it is smoking, over eating, or any other type of addiction. I am encouraging you to take this opportunity, while you have people to hold you accountable, to give it up. With the help of the accountability partners gained in this challenge, I know I can nip this in the bud. That means that you can do it too!

We need more people who are ready to improve their life! Come join us on Facebook at the Home Improvement Challenge! You can find us at!/groups/235403529814269/. Join the group and keep up with the challenges! It's a great place to find encouragement and a way to make changes in your life!

What habit are you willing to kick? (Yeah, that's right....I called you out! What are you WILLING to give up?) Leave a message and let us know what bad habit you will be giving up for this stage of the challenge!!

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