Thursday, September 16, 2010

Taking on the Gorge (and bedtime)!

Today was one of those great days that had so many "moments" you just aren't sure what to write about! Today was my first homeschool field trip. My homeschool student (the Straightforward Cousin), Straightforward Son, Straightforward Baby, and I picked up the trail at Tallulah Gorge State Park. For all those who want to go ahead and commend my bravery to take two small children and a teenager to such a dangerous place without losing one, may do so in the comment section below!

We first walked through the beautiful Jane Hurt Yarn Interpretive Center. It doesn't have as much information and as many displays as I would like to see, but it did the job for what we needed today. The SC had his list of questions I had created and he made his way through the center. We sat down for the 15 minute movie they show downstairs (waiting for the SB to lose his mind or SS to start jumping the benches--neither happened). We made it through with little to no interruptions and headed back up to the Ranger desk. I walk up and ask for a map. Keep in mind how we all look. I am carrying SB in a sling, SS is tearing through the store like a man on a mission, and SC is trying to act like he is somewhat interested in what I am talking about while keeping a sharp eye on the crazy kid. She looks me up and down and gives me the run down of what we are in for. She wasn't rude by any means, but you could tell she thought I was nuts. I was ok with that because I felt like I might be heading down that trail (haha-hiking humor).
We all ended up with roles as we started out. SS was the navigator. He had the map and was telling us which "streets" we needed to take. SC was in charge of gear/necessities (backpack with all the goodies). And I, the trusty SM, was dutifully carrying SB in his happy little sling. By the way, he LOVES that thing. He is snug and happy no matter what the weather or circumstances. If you don't own one, you should. Our Straightforward Family recently hiked 1.6 miles up Mt. Pisgah and 1.6 miles back down and he was either sleeping or being observant the whole time! The breakdown came when we took him out.

We headed to "Inspiration Point," the newest overlook. If you haven't checked out that point on the trail, you need to! It has an overview of the gorge that is absolutely breathtaking. We made our way back down and headed towards the stairs. Yes, we took the stairs. As a mom, that was one of the most frightening things I have ever done. Letting my little boy (who was NOT going to hold my hand unless forced) walk down those steps on his own about made me pass out. Watching SC, a child who is not mine, do the same thing was also giving me chest pains (no the sling was not too tight). It hit little boy is growing up and I won't always be there to hold his hand. (I couldn't imagine what was running through the mind of the SC's mom!) I won't always be there to make sure he doesn't trip and bust his face. Or worse, I won't be there to keep him from going over the cliff. While I am having this epiphany, he reaches up to take my hand and says, "Mommy, carry me!" I almost cried because I knew I couldn't. Boy, will this parenting thing get any easier?

We made it to the suspension bridge and pondered going all the way down. The SM in me said, "You are nuts if you walk down any further." I listened to her (because she said so) and we made our way back up. We saw some amazing sites and met some amazing people along the long, hard trip up the stairs. (Wow, what a life lesson that I could take from that!) One very kind gentleman even asked if I needed him to carry SS on his shoulders. I knew my big SS could do it. So we declined and SS persevered.

As I am writing this, SS is asleep on my shoulder. (HE IS WORN OUT!!!) He conquered the gorge. He came home and completed his bedtime routine on his own without any encouragement from the Straightforward Parents. He gave me all the love he could possibly give and passed out on my arm (yes, that's why some words may not be spelled correctly). What if we gave all we had, like he did, to what we are called to do? I had a very difficult time giving up my classroom a few weeks ago. But I realized, I have a different calling right now. I need to give it every ounce of my energy. I need to take on the challenge, give it all I have, and pass out on Straightforward Dad's shoulder at the end of the day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much. It really was a huge undertaking and even though he whined, he did fantastic. I was super proud of him and I took him to dinner at McD's. He just plain deserved it! :)
